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Leader denounces any moves satisfying enemies - April30 - 2011 Farsi

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Leader Denounces Any Moves Satisfying Enemies - April30 - 2011 Farsi
Leader denounces any moves satisfying enemies (2011/04/30 - 16:21) Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei said on Saturday that any moves that might satisfy the enemies or disappoint friends should be avoided. Islamic Revolution Leader made the remark in a meeting with... Show More >>
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Great measuring tool for any action(s). Litmus test is, would it benefit the evil plans of the enemies? A very important topic related to this is "dushman shanasi" (recognition of the enemy, how & who)



Rahber AyatUllah Syed Ali Khamenei's love for Islam, Muslims and all religions is so pious. He cares about minute aspects of their daily lives and well being to protect them from enemies.